Cover image for Rough waters : Alaska to Oregon : small fishermen's battle
Rough waters : Alaska to Oregon : small fishermen's battle
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Seattle : Far Eastern Press, [2021]

Physical Description:
xvi, 483 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"Small-boat commercial fishermen on the Northwest Coast face a constant flood of threats to their livelihood, including global warming and other ecological changes, weak financial support for fisheries management, and controversial politics that favor industrial fishing. To survive, small fishermen must gain supporters and fight back or find themselves beached. Through research, interviews, and personal experience Rough Waters takes a hard look at the most pressing issues for this profession which, much like small farming, if phased out would be a great loss to America's economy and culture"-- Back cover.
General Note:
Published in 2015 with the subtitle: "Our North Pacific small fishermen's battle: a fishing family's perspective."
The salmon feast -- Targeting small fishermen -- An Inupiaq subsistence camp: 1950s-1960s -- A salmon troller's start -- Canning Alaska -- Ekuk: a cannery village -- Fishing families: Kotzebue Sound, Norton Sound, Kachemak Bay -- Northwest trolling: everyman's grounds -- More of fishing with families -- Limiting the fleets -- Good times and grim for the Northwest -- Rights to salmon: Indian treaties -- More rights to salmon: Canadian v. US fleets -- Saving salmon: sinking fleets -- River blindness: from the Yukon to the Sacramento -- The beacon bright -- And more rights to salmon: sport fishing -- Subsistence these days -- Fish feed lots -- Photos -- Our federal small-boat fleets and their lost commons -- A far north fishery: Nome King Crabbing -- The golden egg: herring roe -- Sea changes: the Magnuson Act -- The regional fisheries councils retool their fleets -- New England fishing lessons -- Models for fisheries: Iceland, New Zealand, Canada -- American Fisheries Act and the community development quota -- Launching small fisheries: Norton Sound -- From skiffs to small boats -- Privatizing halibut: the North Pacific Council's showpiece -- Small crabber outrage -- Groundfishermen's turn: Gulf of Alaska rockfish and cod -- CDQ forecast: clear, patches of fog -- Bycatch tangles -- New England's bitter stew -- The Pacific Council climbs aboard -- Fish management and its discontents -- Rough waters: fishermen and choices -- Our federal small-boats fleets photos.