Cover image for Promises of gold = Promesas de oro
Promises of gold = Promesas de oro
First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:

New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2023.
Physical Description:
xvi, 141, 2, 141, xvi pages ; illustrations : 22 cm
"A groundbreaking collection of poems addressing how every kind of love-self, brotherly, romantic, familial, cultural-is birthed, shaped, and complicated by the invisible forces of gender, capitalism, religion, migration, and so on. Written in English and combined with a Spanish translation by poet David Ruano, Promises of Gold explores many forms of love and how "a promise made isn't always a promise kept," as Olivarez grapples with the contradictions of the American Dream laying bare the ways in which "love is complicated by forces larger than our hearts.""-- Provided by publisher.
General Note:
Poetry collection in English and translation into Spanish, bound tête-bêche.
Tradition -- Folk -- Love poem beginning with a yellow cab -- Wealth -- Ode to tortillas -- Nation of domination -- In the dream -- Bulls vs. Suns, 1993 -- Another Cal City poem -- Ojalá : my homie -- Upward mobility -- Regret or my dad says love -- Black & mild -- River Oaks Mall -- Pedro explains magical realism -- Chosen -- Fathers -- An almost sonnet for my mom's almost life -- Poem with corpse flowers & no corpses -- It's only day whatever of the quarantine & I'm already daydreaming about robbing rich people -- Poem with a little less aggression -- Maybach music -- Card declined -- Middle class in this mf -- Canelo Álvarez is the champ -- Bad Mexican sonnet -- Poem where no one is deported -- American tragedy -- Cal City winter -- On the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- Ojalá : me & my guys -- Poetry is not therapy -- Before we got comfortable saying love, we dapped -- Ojalá : I hate heartbreak -- Haram -- Healing -- More, please -- Two truths & a lie -- Pedro gets asked about his big brother -- Happening sonnet -- Authenticity -- Loyality -- Poem where I learn to eat escargot -- Some words look nice until you try them on -- Wherever I'm at that land is Chicago -- Nate calls me soft -- Love poem (feat. Chani Nicholas) -- All the names we say because we don't say love -- Cal City love poem -- Most -- Mercedes says she prefers the word "discoteca" to the word "club" -- February & my love is in another state -- Ugly -- Origin story -- In Calumet City -- Now I'm bologna -- My sociology -- No time to wait -- Mercedes says hyacinths look like little firework shows -- Miracle -- Ruben's poem -- Ars poetica -- Eviction notice -- Moonshine -- Llorar -- United enemies -- Harlem snapshot -- FAQ -- Sunday love -- Between us & liberation -- Escargot -- Eating Taco Bell with Mexicans -- Maybe God is Mexican -- It's true -- Despecho hour at The Casa Azul Restaurante y Cantina -- Hopeful Cal City poem -- Mexican heaven ("the mexicans said no thank you to heaven--") -- Perder -- Inspiration -- I walk into the ocean -- Roses & lilies -- Justice is for the living -- Mexican heaven ("forget heaven & its promises of gold--") -- No more sad Mexicans -- Mexican heaven ("when my uncle goes to heaven") -- Another Harlem poem -- Ojalá : self-love -- Down to my elbows -- Rebuttal -- Shelter Island -- Let's get married -- Related : the sky is dope.
Additional Language:
Text in English and Spanish.