Embrace aging : conquer your fears and enjoy added years
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2022]
Physical Description:
xii, 261 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Dr. Jeannette Guerrasio empowers people over 50 by guiding them with practical advice for happy, healthy, and independent aging. She focuses on the everyday aspects of aging to help readers understand how their bodies change with age and how best to overcome and adapt to these changes.
Osteoarthritis: I'm fine but everything hurts -- Osteoporosis: falling doesn't mean you have to break -- Falls: I'm just resting... on the floor --- Skin care: smile through the wrinkles -- Hair loss: your favorite hairs are vanishing -- Oral health: open wide! -- Urinary tract infections: mama said to drink cranberry juice... -- Urinary incontinence: leaky pipes -- Prolapses: oops, I think something fell out -- Benign prostatic hyperplasia: bedtime peeing hotshot -- Constipation: constipation makes me wait -- Sexual dysfunction: the spark can't light the fire -- Insomnia: one sheep, two sheep, three sheep... -- Dizziness: round and round and up then down -- Lower leg swelling: still a rose to me -- Foot care: support your foundation -- Medication dosing: start low and go slow -- Sensory loss: "it helps to be a little deaf" -- Mild cognitive impairment and dementia: it's just a senior moment, right? -- Retirement: are you really ready? -- Grief and loss: how much more can I lose? -- Depression and anxiety: two sides of the same coin -- Resiliency: be a rubber ball -- Advance directives: have a say over your life -- Home safety: on the same level -- Elder abuse: look out for each other -- Adaptation: mountains to climb -- Conclusion: You have more life to live.