Is that a fact? : frauds, quacks, and the real science of everyday life
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Toronto : ECW Press, [2014]
Physical Description:
285 pages ; 21 cm
Organic is better for you .. no, it's not. Scientists just discovered a miracle weight-loss food... no, wait, it's actually bad for you. Schwarcz helps you separate fact from fiction amid the storm of misinformation that today's media throws at us.
General Note:
Includes index.
In the beginning. Is that a fact? ; Chance favors the prepared mind ; The chemistry of our world is too complex to be simplified ; Callers have questions... -- Black. Quackery is not an issue to duck ; The "cancer conspiracy" ; Yikes, I'm infested! ; Full of it ; Poking into the pukeweed doctor ; Vinegar claims leave a sweet and sour taste ; Diagnosing pathological science ; Mountebanks ; Double helix water ; Fakes, phonies, and impostors ; The trouble with homeopathy ; Seeing is believing ; A look at Braco the Gazer ; Celebrities and cerebral claptrap ; Rhinoceros horn is useful-- for its original owner ; The skinny on the HCG weight loss scheme ; Doctors who kill -- Gray. Fishy claims for fish oil supplements ; Swallowing blueberries, apples, and hype ; An antidote to the poisonous tomato legend ; Leeches then and now ; Crying wolf ; What's for dinner? ; Twinkies, M&Ms, and weight loss ; The rise, fall, and possible rise of tropical oils ; Thinking about coconut oil ; Free radicals bad, antioxidants good : is that so? ; A Health and Education Act? Really? ; Apple picking of data leaves a bad taste ; Deer antlers could have athletes skating on thin ice ; The questionable wizardry of Dr. Oz ; Breatharians and nutritarians ; Pink slime-- Jamie Oliver chooses the wrong bone to pick ; Quackery can tarnish silver's medical luster ; Salt therapy ; The funny business of selling water ; Buckyballs roll into the pit of folly ; Scientists smell a rat in French GMO rat study -- White. It's in the can! ; A natural conundrum ; Out of the mouths of babes ; Cats, calamities, and static cling ; Chemistry in the spotlight-- for a tragic reason ; Just ironing things out ; Meat production : a smelly business ; Reflecting on the history of mirrors ; Dry ice-- it's sublime! ; The cuddle chemical versus personality ; Lighter, brighter, safer! ; Chemical demonstrations can get mighty hot ; The many faces of neoprene ; From twitching worms to non-browning apples ; A squeeze on orange juice production ; Sleeping gas-- it's a dream! ; The electrifying lectures of Sir Humphry Davy ; The ups and downs of antibiotics ; The saga of the flaming rocks ; Popping off about gluten-free Rice Krispies ; Geyser gets a little help from chemistry ; Possums and kiwis ; Beep...beep...it's Moscow calling! ; Be glad they're asking about liquids and gels ; Smashing atoms to smithereens ; Justice full of beans ; Of mice and men and apples and oranges ; Imported fruit may harbor terrorists ; The mesmerizing power of belief -- In the end. Our posthumous footprint.