Cover image for The island of Doctor Moreau
The island of Doctor Moreau
Added Author:
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Peterborough, Ont. ; Buffalo, N.Y. : Broadview Press, ©2009.
Physical Description:
292 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Synopsis: The author of The Time Machine and War of the World conjures up an island where a mad doctor experiments with turning animals into grotesque human-like creatures. The island is discovered by survivors of a South Pacific shipwreck. Read the prescient 1896 story as a social satire and as a foreshadow of science-to-come such as gene-splicing and bioengineering.
Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- H.G. Wells: a brief chronology -- Note on the text -- Island of Doctor Moreau -- Appendix A: Wells on Wells -- Appendix B: Wells on Moreau and science fiction -- 1: Romance of the Scientist: an interview with Mr H.G. Wells (1897) / Arthur H. Lawrence -- 2: Works of H.G. Wells, volume 2 (1924) / H. G. Wells -- 3: Scientific Romances of H.G .Wells (1933) / H.G. Wells -- Appendix C: Contemporary reviews -- 1: Saturday Review (11 April 1896) / Chalmers Mitchell -- 2: Saturday review (1 November 1896) /Letter from H.G. Wells replying to Chalmers Mitchell -- 3: Spectator (11 April 1896) / R.H. Hutton -- 4: Manchester Guardian (14 April 1896) -- 5: Guardian (3 June 1896) -- 6: Times (17 June 1896) -- 7: Review of Reviews (July-December 1895) -- Appendix D: Evolution and struggle I: Classical Darwinism -- 1: Memoriam (1850) / Alfred Tennyson -- 2: Origin of Species (1859, 1872) / Charles Darwin -- 3: Man's Place in Nature (1863) / Thomas H. Huxley -- 4: Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) / Charles Darwin -- Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872) / Charles Darwin -- 6: Text-Book of Biology (1893) / H.G. Wells -- 7: Rediscovery of the Unique (1891) / H.G. Wells -- Mind in Animals / H.G. Wells -- Appendix E: Evolution and Struggle II: later Huxley and Wells -- 1: Struggle for Existence in Human Society (February 1888) / Thomas H. Huxley -- 2: Apologetic Irenicon (November 1892) / Thomas H. Huxley -- Evolution and Ethics (1893, 1894) / Thomas H. Huxley -- 4: Bio-Optimism (29 August 1895) / H.G. Wells -- Human Evolution, an Artificial Process (October 1896) / H.G. Wells -- 6: Acquired Factor (9 January 1897) / H.G. Wells -- 7: Morals and civilization (February 1897) / H.G. Wells -- 8: Human Evolution: Mr Wells replies (April1897) / H.G. Wells -- Appendix F: Degeneration and Madness -- Decent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871) / Charles Darwin -- Problem of the Birth Supply (1903) / H.G. Wells -- 3: Modern Utopia (1905) / H.G. Wells -- 4: Criminal Man According to the Classification of Cesare Lombroso (1911) / Gina Lombroso-Ferrero -- 5: Crime: Its Causes and Remedies (1899) / Cesare Lombroso -- 6: Psychology: The Briefer Course (1892) / William James -- 7: Psycholgie Morbide (1859) / Jacques-Joseph Moreau -- 8: Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895,1896) / Gustave Le Bon -- 9: Croquet Player (1936) / H.G. Wells -- Appendix G: Vivisection Controversy -- 1: Report on the Progress and Development of General Physiology in France (1867) / Claude Bernard -- 2: Claude Bernard (1899) / Michael Foster -- 3: Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (1865) / Claude Bernard -- Spectator (1875) / George Hoggan (and R.H. Hutton), Letter -- 5: Report of the Royal Commission on the Practice of Subjecting Live Animals to Experiments for Scientific Purposes (1876) / R.H. Hutton's Testimony in -- 6: Report of the Royal Commission on the Practice Subjecting Live Animals to Experiments for Scientific Purposes (1876) / Dr Emanuel Klein's Testimony -- 7: Life of Frances Power Cobbe by Herself (1894) / Frances Power Cobbe -- 8: Text-Book of Biology (1893) / H.G. Wells -- 9: Popular Feelings and the Advancement of Science Anti-Vivisection (1928) / H.G. Wells -- Appendix H: Wells Explains: Two Essays Relating to Moreau's Argument -- 1: Province of Pain (February 1894) / H.G. Wells -- 2: Limits of Individual Plasticity (19 January 1895) / H.G. Wells -- Appendix I: Terrible Medusa Case: an Historical Source for Prendick's Shipwreck (1818) -- Appendix J: Well's First Draft of Moreau -- Select bibliography.