The subversive seventies
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2023]
Physical Description:
vi, 312 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"Progressive and revolutionary movements of the 70s, which took place across the globe, provide an inspiring and useful guide for contemporary radical political thought and action, even more than those of the 60s. The 60s were a crucial historical turning point and we can certainly learn from those movements, both the victorious and the vanquished, but, fundamentally, they marked the end of an era. The 1970s, in contrast, herald the beginning of our time. In response to the insurgencies of the 60s, new structures of power, many of which are now grouped under the name neoliberalism, were tested and institutionalized, and are essentially the same ones that rule over us today. The progressive and revolutionary struggles of the 70s, then, constituted an initial set of experiments for confronting our current conjuncture, a first test of the terrain. Feminist and gay liberation movements, worker and anticolonial struggles, antinuclear and antiracist projects, along with many other liberation efforts developed in the 70s offer us not only initial analyses of today's structures of economic and political domination, but also forms of critique and resistance most effective against them"-- Provided by publisher.
Introduction: The subversive seventies -- Part I: To remake the world from the ground up. Revolutionary democracy; Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau -- Gay liberation; United States, United Kingdom, and France -- Liberation theologies; Iran and Nicaragua -- Part II: Popular power. Two versions of popular power; Chile -- Commission democracy; Portugal -- Promise of another democracy; South Korea -- Part III: Revolution inside and outside the factories. Ungovernable factories; United States -- Self-management in the watch factory; France -- Laboratory Italy; Italy -- Part IV: Strategic multiplicities. Feminist articulations -- Strategic racial multiplicities. United States, South Africa, and United Kingdom -- Part V: Encampment and direct action. New alliances against the state; Japan and France -- Antinuclear democratizations; Germany and United States -- Part VI: The continuation of war by other means. The end of mediation -- Theaters of injustice; United States, Uruguay, Japan, Germany, and Italy -- Dual strategy and double organization; United States, Italy, and Turkey -- Conclusion: The 1970s and us.