The joy of abstraction : an exploration of math, category theory, and life
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023
Physical Description:
xiv, 424 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
"Mathematician and popular science author Eugenia Cheng is on a mission to show you that mathematics can be flexible, creative, and visual. This joyful journey through the world of abstract mathematics into category theory will demystify mathematical thought processes and help you develop your own thinking, with no formal mathematical background needed. The book brings abstract mathematical ideas down to earth using examples of social justice, current events, and everyday life - from privilege to COVID-19 to driving routes. The journey begins with the ideas and workings of abstract mathematics, after which you will gently climb toward more technical material, learning everything needed to understand category theory, and then key concepts in category theory like natural transformations, duality, and even a glimpse of ongoing research in higher-dimensional category theory."-- Publisher's description.
Categories: the idea -- Abstraction -- Patterns -- Context -- Relationships -- Formalism -- Equivalence relations -- Categories: the definition -- Examples we've already seen, secretly -- Ordered sets -- Small mathematical structures -- Sets and functions -- Large worlds of mathematical structures -- Isomorphisms -- Monics and epics -- Universal properties -- Duality -- Products and coproducts -- Pullbacks and pushouts -- Functors -- Categories of categories -- Natural transformations -- Yoneda -- Higher dimensions -- Epilogue: thinking categorically.