Resilience is futile : the life and death and life of Julie S. Lalonde : a memoir.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Toronto : Between the Lines, 2020.
Physical Description:
183 pages ; 22 cm
For over a decade Julie S. Lalonde kept a secret. As an award-winning advocate for women's rights, she crisscrossed the country, denouncing violence against women and giving hundreds of media interviews along the way. Her work made national headlines for challenging universities and taking on Canada's top military brass. But while appearing fearless on the surface, Julie met every interview and event with the same fear in her gut: was he here? Fleeing intimate partner violence at age twenty, Julie was stalked by her ex-partner for over ten years, rarely mentioning it to friends, let alone addressing it publicly. The contrast between her public career as a brave champion for women with her own private life of violence and fear meant a shaky and exhausting balancing act. Resilience is Futile is a story of survival, courage, and ultimately, hope. But it is also a challenge to the ways we understand trauma and resilience. It is the story of one survivor who won't give up and refuses to shut up.
General Note:
Written by Julie S. Lalonde.
Personal Subject: