How to build a goddamn empire : advice on creating your brand with high-tech smarts, elbow grease, infinite hustle & a whole lotta heart
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : Abrams Image, 2021.
Physical Description:
287 pages ; 21 cm
"Filled with heart and humor, How to Build a Goddamn Empire shares the real-world, hard-earned business wisdom of one female entrepreneur who transformed an idea into a massive, category-disrupting national brand. As a first-time and inexperienced founder, Ali Kriegsman felt like she couldn't relate to the glossy, glamorous entrepreneurs crowding her Instagram feed. In reality, Kriegsman learned, building something from nothing is a daily fight with your imposter syndrome, a crash course in venture-capitalist speak, and, as she learned in 2020, a constant battle to weather the storm of an ever-changing marketplace. While in the thick of scaling her business, making a stressful pivot, and managing a team of employees through an unprecedented global pandemic, Kriegsman decided to write about her experience, in the hopes that it will act as a guidepost to future founders." -- Amazon.com.
A note to you ... -- A bit about Bulletin -- You gotta start somewhere -- That magical and miserable beginning -- Who do you think you are? -- The leap of faith -- Taking money and making money -- The business you start won't be the business you run -- Grow up and glow-up -- Press [does not equal] success -- Those you can't do, hire -- "Brand" -- Hard decisions -- I'm still building.
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