Cover image for Unsettling education : decolonizing and Indigenizing the land
Unsettling education : decolonizing and Indigenizing the land
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Toronto ; Vancouver : Canadian Scholars, 2024.
Physical Description:
vii, 400 pages : illustrations, charts ; 25 cm
"Since the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in June 2015, Canadian communities, institutions, and governments have engaged in some form of reconciliation. Initially, these efforts were about addressing the historical and continuing oppression of Indigenous peoples through taking up some of the Calls to Action. Predating and parallel to these efforts have been the continuing work of Indigenous leaders, Indigenous communities, water/land warriors, Elders and Knowledge Keepers, and the land back movement to get settler society to honour treaties, negotiate outstanding treaties, repatriate Indigenous lands, and recognize and enact Indigenous sovereignty. Consequently, ideas like Indigenization and decolonization have found their way into the general lexicon of North American society. To a lesser degree, the notion of unsettling has evolved into broader discussions of relationships between Indigenous peoples and settler society/governments. This collection shares the growing scholarly and research areas of Indigenization, decolonization, and unsettling. The chapters explore, examine, and reveal the work of Indigenous scholars, Indigenous communities, activists, and settler partners, whose work interrogates and disrupts settler narratives."-- Provided by publisher.
Let's unpack that! Decolonization and Indigenization while unsettling settler academic practice -- Moving from uncertainty to empathy: reconciliation through Indigenization -- Red River removals: unsights and hidden histories of water stories through critical place inquiry and earth-based art -- The Canadian family farm: a case study of a settler colonial lieu de mémoire -- Inspiring success in Indigenous education in the 21st century: a moral imperative—education as if children and youth, our relationships, and the natural world/life mattered -- Sqilxw woman: she brings bundles -- Anishinaabeodziiwin miinwaa gikendasswin: Anishinaabe ways of knowing and being through relationality -- Deyéh kédz¦hłā'īyéh Dene Zagé' Nutséd¦s¦: we work together so the Kaska language will be strong -- Walking a common path: decolonizing land-based education with the more-than-human world -- Relationships and reciprocity in mathematics education -- Co-creating and claiming spaces: Indigenous language activists, partners/accomplices/allies, and higher education -- Kiihtahiyamiininak ochiimakan tah kiskenimisowak, "Our heritage language tells me who we are" -- Wena ka tapaymish ekwa kakway ka dipayhtamun? (Who claimes you and what do you claim?) -- An exploration of the dutiful and demonized ikwewag (women) in sacred story: a decolonial allegory on resistance and transformational power within education -- Indigenous teacher education in the Métis homeland: narratives of love, culture, and resistance -- It's about damn time! Decolonizing and Indigenizing possibilities in teacher education -- Story walk: Indigenous and decolonial approaches to reviving educational leadership praxis -- Land, belonging, and rootedness: home is in the stories.