The end of the myth : from the frontier to the border wall in the mind of America
First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2019.
Physical Description:
xii, 369 pages ; 25 cm
Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis" argued that the expansion of settlement across a frontier of "free land" created a uniquely American form of political equality, a vibrant, forward-looking individualism. Grandin explores the effect that constant, relentless expansion had on America's domestic politics. He examines the full sweep of U.S. history-- from the American Revolution to the election of 2016-- and shows that this movement deflected domestic political and economic conflicts, but meant that the country's problems, from racism to inequality, were never confronted directly. Political passions that had long been directed elsewhere are now focused back home, and the border wall-- whether or not it is built-- may well provide an allegorical tombstone marking the end of American exceptionalism. -- adapted from introduction and jacket
Introduction: Fleeing forward -- All that space -- The alpha and the omega -- A Caucasian democracy -- The safety valve -- Are you ready for all these wars? -- The true relief -- The outer edge -- The pact of 1898 -- A fortress on the frontier -- A psychological twist -- A golden harvest -- Some demonic suction tube -- More, more, more -- The new preëmptor -- Crossing the blood meridian -- Epilogue: The significance of the wall in American history.
Personal Subject: