Keeping it unreal : Black queer fantasy and superhero comics
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : New York University Press, [2022]
Physical Description:
267 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
"Keeping It Unreal: Black Queer Fantasy and Superhero Comics explores how fantasy-especially superhero comics, which are usually derided as naïve and childish-is a catalyst for engaging the black radical imagination. Such engagements prompt 'fantasy-acts' against antiblackness, a transgressive way of 'reading' beyond the comic-book page to envision and to experience alternate, and potentially more just, realities. Fantasies about superhero characters are not just or even primarily forms of escape, the author argues, but are active reshapings of readers and their worlds. This book offers a rich meditation on the relationship between fantasy and reality, and between the imagination and being, as it weaves Scott's personal recollections of his encounters with superhero comics with interpretive readings of figures like the Black Panther, Luke Cage, Nubia, and Blade, and theorists such as Frantz Fanon, Eve Sedgwick, Leo Bersani, Saidiya Hartman, and Gore Vidal"-- Provided by publisher.
Introduction. Fantastic Bullets -- 1. I Am Nubia: Superhero Comics and the Paradigm of the Fantasy-Act -- 2. Can the Black Superhero Be?: Blackness vs. the Superhero -- 3. Erotic Fantasy-Acts: The Art of Desire -- Conclusion. On Becoming Fantastical.
Conference Subject: