The call of the red-winged blackbird : essays on the common and extraordinary
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Hamilton, ON, Canada : Wolsak & Wynn, [2022]
Physical Description:
271 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"'Nearly sixty years of life, with all of its diversities and social pleasure, its joys and sorrows, successes and failures, a whole changing theatre cast of characters, some still loved and on the stage, others long since slipped into the darkened wings, and I remain most entranced by the simple glories of a fruit tree and a songbird. Why should it be so?' In this lush collection of essays Tim Bowling picks up the common questions, and beauties, of life and examines them closely. From questions of love and money, to the search for solitude in a clamouring world, to poetry and the place of art today, Bowling writes beautifully and thoughtfully on what it means to be alive now. And in the end, we come back to the moon, the trees, the salmon that swim to the sea and the call of the red-winged blackbird, which his mother imitated to call him inside at night, as a child."-- Back cover.
On the rails -- Initiation -- The common currency of life -- On handwriting and nationhood -- Should I really read The Remains of the Day in what remains of my days? -- On literary success and growing old -- The proof of love -- The floating library -- Of cherry trees and red-winged blackbirds -- The hermit's smoke I -- The hermit's smoke II -- The hermit's smoke III -- Afterword.