Cover image for The rub of time : Bellow, Nabokov, Hitchens, Travolta, Trump : essays and reportage, 1994-2017
The rub of time : Bellow, Nabokov, Hitchens, Travolta, Trump : essays and reportage, 1994-2017
First edition.
Publication Date:

Publication Information:
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2018.

Physical Description:
xiii, 392 pages ; 25 cm

"A scintillating collection of essays, reportage and criticism by one of most provocative and widely read novelists of our time, with new commentary by the author. For decades now, Martin Amis has turned his keen intellect and unrivaled prose loose on an astonishing range of topics--politics, sports, celebrity, America, and, of course, literature. ... Over twenty years' worth of these incomparable essays are gathered together here, ranging from Bellow and Nabokov, his "twin peaks," to Roth, DeLillo, Philip Larkin and Jane Austen; from such peculiar worlds as Las Vegas and the pornography business to figures including Princess Diana, John Travolta and Christopher Hitchens. And running through The Rub of Time is politics, whether in Trump-era America, Britain, Iran, Colombia or elsewhere. From the earliest pieces to the most recent, this is Martin Amis at his prime: brilliant, incisive and savagely funny."--Jacket flap.
General Note:
"This is a Borzoi book."

Includes index.
By way of an introduction. He's leaving home -- Twin peaks 1. Vladimir Nabokov and the problem from Hell ; Saul Bellow, as opposed to Henry James -- Politics 1. The Republican Party in 2011: Iowa ; The Republican Party in 2012: Tampa, Florida ; The Republican Party in 2016: Trump -- Literature 1. Philip Larkin: his work and life ; Larkin's Letters to Monica ; Iris Murdoch: age will win -- The House of Windsor. Princess Diana: a mirror, not a lamp ; The Queen's speech, the Queen's heart -- More Personal 1. You ask the questions 1 ; The fourth estate and the puzzle of heredity ; On the road: the multicity book tour ; The King's English -- Twin peaks 2. Bellow's lettres ; Nabokov's natural selection -- Americana (stepping westward). Losing in Las Vegas ; Travolta's second act ; In pornoland: pussies are bullshit -- Literature 2. Don DeLillo: laureate of terror ; J.G. Ballard: from outer space to inner space ; Early Ballard: the drowned world ; The shock of the new: A clockwork orange turns fifty -- Sport. Three stabs at tennis ; The Champions League final, 1999 ; In search of Dieguito Maradona ; On the court: my beautiful game -- More Personal 2. Deciding to write Time's arrow ; Marty and Nick Jr. sail to America ; You ask the questions 2 -- Politics 2. Ivan is introduced to the USSR: all together now ; Is terrorism "about religion"? ; In memory of Neda Soltan, 1983-2009: Iran ; The crippled murderers of Cali, Colombia -- Literature 3. Philip Roth finds himself ; Roth the elder: a moralistic investigation ; John Updike's farewell notes ; Rabbit Angstrom confront Obamacare ; Jane Austen and the dream factory -- More Personal 3. Christopher Hitchens -- Politics 3. On Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Her Majesty's opposition ; President Trump orate in Ohio -- Twin Peaks 3. Bellow: avoiding the void ; Vera and Vladimir: letters to Vera.