Voici Clara Hughes
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Toronto (Ontario) : Scholastic, [2024]
Physical Description:
31 pages : colour illustrations ; 24 cm.
""Growing up in Winnipeg, Clara liked sports, but she wasn't a top athlete. Getting outside to play was a good escape from some of the turmoil and sadness at home. But as she got older, she picked other ways -- ways that were not good for her, until the fateful day she watched speed skater Gaétan Boucher compete at the 1988 Winter Games. Clara decided she would do that too. It was a life-changing decision. Clara quickly learned to speed skate and began competing. Part of her training included cycling and it turned out she was great at that too. She switched to cycling and worked very hard - maybe too hard. Even though she won multiple Olympic medals in cycling, but winning didn't make her feel good. She felt sadder than ever. Clara realized that all the medals in the world would not make her okay. She had to work as hard on her mental health as she did on her training. Maybe even harder. Clara decided it would be good for her to take a break from cycling. She returned speed skating and won medals in that, too! This time it felt better in the spotlight, which she decided to use to help children - especially girls - around the world have better access to sport. Clara then used her fame to talk about how important mental health was, and that it was normal to not feel okay -- and especially okay to talk about it! She went on to lend her voice in support of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, becoming an Honorary Witness and helping to spread their message. Clara is still the only person in the world to ever win multiple medals at both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. But perhaps her biggest win is the work she has done to help others."-- English language edition description.
« Voici Clara Hughes : athlète, médaillée olympique et militante pour la santé mentale. Encore aujourd'hui, Clara est la seule personne au monde à avoir remporté plusieurs médailles aux Jeux olympiques d'été et d'hiver. Mais sa plus grande réussite est sans aucun doute le travail qu'elle a accompli pour aider les autres. Clara, qui a grandi à Winnipeg, a toujours aimé les sports. Elle n'a pas toujours été une athlète de haut niveau. Elle se trouvait même sur une mauvaise pente jusqu'au jour fatidique où elle a regardé le patineur de vitesse Gaétan Boucher, à la télévision, participer aux Jeux d'hiver de 1988. Clara a alors décidé qu'elle ferait la même chose. Cette décision a changé sa vie et l'a conduite à s'entraîner, à concourir et à gagner au niveau olympique dans pas moins de deux sports. Mais alors que le pays tout entier applaudissait ses exploits, Clara ne se sentait pas bien en son for intérieur. Elle a finalement réalisé que gagner toutes les médailles du monde ne lui permettrait pas d'aller mieux : elle devait consacrer autant d'efforts à sa santé mentale qu'à son entraînement. »-- Provided by publisher.
General Note:
Translation of: Meet Clara Hughes. ©2024.
Subject Term:
6-10 years.