Cover image for L'horizon des événements : roman
L'horizon des événements : roman
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Montréal, Québec : Leméac, [2021]
Physical Description:
221 pages ; 22 cm
We knew the liquid manure pit was going to overflow into the fan when conference posters were vandalized campus-wide. Inscriptions had been smeared in blood red. Thief rapist. Nationalism = Nazism. St-Jean-Raciste. Flags of Quebec whose fleurs-de-lis had been replaced by svatiskas had been painted with a stencil. We find the characters of The heat of mammals, but a few years later. The sociologist Biz is at work here: he tends his magnifying glass over academia, at a time of trigger warnings, snowflakes and cancel culture, and portrays, not without humor, the fear taking hold of those who are supposed to educate, but who bend and bend the spine to preserve achievements, a job, a power. The result is the portrait of an environment that no longer knows what the environment is ... Garnished with a bunch of references to the sulphurous character but great writer Celine was, this tragicomedy poses the question of teaching to a a time when the sensibilities of each do not tolerate being offended and when ignorance is preferable to knowledge that hurts.