You can't say that! : writers for young people talk about censorship, free expression, and the stories they have to tell
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First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Somerville, Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2021.
Physical Description:
xix, 220 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Sharing candid interviews with 13 top children's and young adult authors who discuss why their books have faced censorship, a historian and critic puts First Amendment challenges into historical context and examines the support network that protects and defends young people's rights.
Thirteen leading authors of books for young people speak out about the experience of having their work challenged or banned in the United States today. In interviews is Marcus, they reflect on the nature of freedom of expression, the impact of censorship, and the support network that has grown up to defend against attempts to limit those rights. Readers will grasp more fully what is at stake when freedom of expression comes under threat, and of the history that lies behind contemporary First Amendment challenges. -- adapted from jacket
Matt de la Peña -- Robie H. Harris -- Susan Kuklin -- David Levithan -- Meg Medina -- Lesléa Newman -- Katherine Paterson -- Dav Pilkey -- Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell -- Sonya Sones -- R.L. Stine -- Angie Thomas.
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