Cover image for The mallet of loving correction : selected writings from Whatever, 2008-2012
The mallet of loving correction : selected writings from Whatever, 2008-2012
First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Burton, MI : Subterranean Press, 2013.
Physical Description:
484 pages ; 24 cm
General Note:
"This book is a collection of entries from my blog, Whatever, covering the time frame from June 2008 through November 2012"--Author's introduction.

"This special signed edition is limited to 1000 numbered copies"--Preliminary page.

Copy 97.
10 things to remember about authors (2/26/2009) -- 15 years (6/17/2010) -- 25 geeks NOT to follow on Twitter (5/15/2009) -- Agnosticism without pain (2/8/2012) -- All the many ways Amazon so very failed the weekend (2/1/2010) -- Amanda Palmer, Kickstarter, and everything (5/3/2012) -- And now, an incredibly long and detailed assessment of my own last decade, with footnotes and annotations where desirable, and such digressions as will elucidate the subject in a manner amusing to all, not sparing heart-tugging anecdotes when appropriate, phrased in the vernacular of our times (12/31/2009) -- Backscattering and groping (11/16/2010) -- Being fictional (1/30/2011) -- Beyond awards (9/17/2009) -- Bill James' pop fly (4/3/2011) -- A bitter November (11/29/2010) -- A boy's own genre, or not (10/13/2009) -- Chief Justice Roberts and political orthodoxy (7/3/2012) -- Children and faith (3/14/2011) -- A couple of quick and final post-election notes to liberals and/or Obama supporters (11/13/2012) -- Crimes of education (1/30/2011) -- The cool kids hanging out (3/22/2012) -- The Cubbies win the existential pennant! The Cubbies win the existential pennant! (10/5/2008) -- Dateiversary (6/16/2010) -- Dear writer: I'm sorry, I don't have time to crush you (3/4/2011) -- DeKloutifying (11/14/2011) -- Dude, I totally unmarried you just now (6/20/2008) -- Election list I: People/things I would vote for president before I would vote for John McCain (10/31/2008) -- Election list II: The verified miracles of St. Obama (10/31/2008) -- Election list III: Things Sarah Palin has shot or would shoot from a helicopter (10/31/2008) -- Election list IV: The things I think about as I stare at a picture of Joe Biden (10/31/2008) -- Election list V: The contents of the Democratic poll-watching kit (10/31/2008) -- Election list VI: The contents of the Republican poll-watching kit (10/31/2008) -- Election list VII: Bombshells the McCain campaign has yet to drop about Barack Obama (10/31/2008) -- Election list VIII: Instances of "[Name] the [occupation]" that have yet to be used by McCain or Palin (10/31/2008) -- Election list IX: The rationales each party will give if they lose the election (10/31/2008) -- Election list X: Some of the horrible things that will happen to you if you don't vote (10/31/2008) -- Emo: older than you think (12/10/2008) -- The failure mode of clever (6/16/2010) -- A fan letter to certain conservative politicians (10/25/2012) -- Forrest Plumber (2/3/2009) -- Fox News would like to take a moment to remind you that the Obamas are as black as Satan's festering, baby-eating soul (6/12/2008) -- Friends (11/23/2011) -- Gawker, Reddit, free speech and such (10/16/2012) -- Gimodo agrees: Apple fans are status-seeking beta monkeys (6/9/2009) -- A general observations (9/20/2009) -- Having been poor (4/1/2009) -- Health care passage thoughts (3/22/2010) -- He's not winning, he's just not losing (3/7/2012) -- How I think (3/24/2010) -- How to be a good commenter (9/18/2012) -- How to know if you're cheating (6/8/2011) -- How to lose the House (9/15/2010) -- I'll get back to you when I get back to you (6/10/2009) -- An incomplete guide to not creeping (8/9/2012) -- In which I select a current GOP presidential candidate to vote for (11/11/2011) -- It's okay not to read me (7/2/2012) -- Joe Barton just wants to have his life back (6/18/2010) -- Just plain stupid (6/6/2011) -- Kodi, 1997-2010 (7/17/2010) -- Lie to me (9/15/2008) -- Living like Fitzgerald (10/22/2009) -- The lost art of the pretentious video (6/14/2009) -- Lord of the tweets (11/27/2011) -- Luck (11/3/2011) -- McKean's inversion (8/11/2011) -- Meanwhile, on the home front, I have growing suspicions my male cats are totally gay (1/27/2010) -- Middle ages me (3/15/2011) -- My life is good but I'm worried yours is better -- (9/21/2009) -- Neil Armstrong and futures past (8/27/2012) -- Next morning presidential election thoughts (11/7/2012) -- A note to the anonymous man sitting in the batroom stall next to me earlier today (8/16/2008) -- And now, for no particular reason, a rant about Facebook (1/19/2011) -- Obama's first 100 days: a complete and utter failure (4/29/2009) -- Observations on a toothache (9/3/2009) -- Omelas State University (11/10/2011) -- On how many times I should get paid for a book (by readers) (4/7/2010) -- On the asking of favors from established writers (9/15/2009) -- On the passing of Ray Bradbury: "Meeting the wizard" (6/6/2012) -- The only time the conservative politicians ignore Warren Buffett (8/15/2011) -- An open letter to MFA writing programs (and their students) (11/15/2010) -- Osama, Obama, and us (5/2/2011) -- Oscar and me (3/3/2010) -- A passing thought (7/28/2010) -- The Paul Ryan pick (8/11/2012) -- Peak Gingrich (12/19/2011) -- Procreation (3/31/2009) -- Portrait of a closet introvert (5/31/2009) -- Post-election notes for the GOP (not that they've asked for them) (11/7/2012) -- Reality check (11/5/2008) -- Regarding snobbery (11/30/2011) -- Reminder: There's no actual office for "President of the Left" (7/2/2008) -- Reminder: Tis the season not to be an ass (12/21/2011) -- The Ripper Owens syndrome (3/2/2009) -- Romney and the LDS Church (2/4/2012) -- The Santorum solution (2/8/2012) -- Scalzi shakes his cane at the kids' music today (4/5/2012) -- A self-made man looks at how he made it (7/23/2012) -- A small meditation on art, commerce and impermanence (1/30/2012) -- A small rant about the things I might or might not know which I might or might not tell you about (6/5/2009) -- Snark and insult (3/19/2012) -- Sociopathic corporations (3/17/2011) -- The sort of crap I don't get (8/31/2011) -- Speech and Kirk Cameron (3/7/2012) -- Spoiler statue of limitations (3/6/2009) -- Status check, re: USA (7/4/2010) -- Steve Jobs and me (10/5/2011) -- Straight white male: the lowest difficulty setting there is (5/15/2012) -- Straight white male follow-up: a child's treasury of deletions (5/16/2012) -- Teabaggers and puppetmasters (4/21/2009) -- Tax frenzies and how to hose them down (9/26/2010) -- That Obama speech, or, expunging the stupid use of words (9/9/2009) -- These things I believe (6/14/2008) -- The thing about "rock stars" (9/5/2008) -- Things I don't have to think about today (10/18/2010) -- Things I don't miss (1/15/2010) -- Today's cane shaking on the lawn: apps (7/23/2010) -- Todd Akin (8/21/2012) -- Tom Becker (4/2/2010) -- Twitter (4/3/2009) -- The venereal disease channel imaginatizes greatastically (5/17/2009) -- What happens in the Acela quiet car stays in the Acela quiet car, unless Twitter is involved (6/7/2012) -- What I think about Atlas shrugged (10/1/2010) -- What it's like to have me for a dad (7/26/2011) -- Where it began (6/21/2008) -- Who gets to be a geek? Anyone who wants to be (7/26/2012) -- Why I don't just admit I am a Democrat (8/8/2012) -- Why in fact publishing will NOT go away soon: a deeply slanted play in three acts (2/3/2010) -- Why yes, I should write about politics (9/30/2008) -- Why new novelists are kinda old, or, Hey, publishing is slow (6/24/2009) -- Why not feeling rich is not being poor, and other things financial (9/21/2010) -- Worth promoting to its own post: Notes on arguing (8/16/2011) -- Writers and financial woes: What's going on (11/9/2009) -- Writing: Find the time or don't (9/16/2010) -- You never go full McCain (9/14/2012) -- Right here, right now (11/24/2011).
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