Cover image for Stoicism 101 : from Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus to the role of reason and amor fati, an essential primer on Stoic philosophy
Stoicism 101 : from Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus to the role of reason and amor fati, an essential primer on Stoic philosophy
First Adams Media hardcover edtion.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : Adams Media, 2025.

Physical Description:
271 pages ; 20 cm.
"You've seen the memes and quotes everywhere-from Reddit to TikTok-but what is stoicism really about? Stoicism 101 teaches you everything you need to know about this influential philosophy-from its key figures (including Epictetus, Seneca the Younger, and Marcus Aurelius), to its key principles (virtue, mindfulness, and the dichotomy of control). This easy-to-read guide uses engaging, straightforward lessons to teach you all the important stoic concepts. Whether you are new to stoicism or have been studying it for some time, in this book you'll find quick, thorough, easy-to-understand explanations of stoic philosophies and practices such as mastering desires and emotions, cultivating character and virtue, learning self-acceptance, dealing with criticism and adversity, practical exercises for achieving happiness, and more"-- Provided by publisher.
General Note:
Includes index.
The stoic movement -- Zeno of citium -- Seneca the younger -- Seneca on time management -- Epictetus -- Marcus Aurelius -- Marcus Aurelius's meditations -- The dichotomy of control -- Applying the dichotomy of control in everyday life -- Virtue -- Wisdom -- Courage -- Justice -- Temperance -- Character -- Impressions and assent -- The role of perspective in stoicism -- The stoic "view from above" -- Freedom rfom external events -- Eudaimonia -- Stoicism on wealth, fame, and external goods -- Achieving eudaimonia -- The logos -- Living according to nature -- Apatheia -- Emotional resilence and acceptance -- Techniques for managing emotions -- The stoic response to anger, anxiety, and sadness -- Oikeiosis -- Compassion and empathy in stoicism -- The role of rationality in emotional life -- The role of suffering -- Amor fati -- Stoicism's influence on Christian Ethics -- Stoicism and modern psychology -- The critique of stoicism -- Memento mori -- Presence and mindfulness -- Stoicism in personal development and self-help -- Stoicism in the workplace and leadership -- Our human contract -- Stoicism and relationships -- The universe is change -- Care for the body -- Stoicism and the role of phyiscal exercise and discipline -- Self-acceptance -- Comparison with others -- How to deal with enemies -- Dealing with criticism -- No opinion -- Resilence -- Stoicism and goals -- Moral consistency -- Premeditatio malorum -- Gratitude -- Consistency -- Morning and evening reflections -- Stoic thoughts on love -- Stoic optimism.
Subject Term: