Bloomsbury Revelations edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
London, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Bloomsbury Academic, 2016.
© 2016
Physical Description:
xliii, 373 pages ; 22 cm.
"Written in 1938/9, Mindfulness (translated from the German Besinnung) is Martin Heidegger's second major being-historical treatise. Here, Heidegger develops some of his key concepts and themes including truth, nothingness, enownment, art and Be-ing and discusses the Greeks, Nietzsche and Hegel at length. In addition to the main text, the text also includes two further important essays, 'A Retrospective Look at the Pathway' (1937/8) and 'The Wish and the Will (On Preserving What is Attempted)' (1937/8), in which Heidegger surveys his unpublished works and discusses his relationship to Catholic and Protestant Christianity and reflects on his life's path."--Amazon.ca.
General Note:
"This translation © Continuum 2006, 2016"--Title page verso.
Translation of: Besinnung. Originally published: Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann GmbH, 1997.
Leaping ahead unto the uniqueness of be-ing -- Philosophy (self-mindfulness : historical contention; being-historical thinking-- metaphysics) -- On projecting-open be-ing (words that hold sway) (the be-ing-historical 'saying') -- Truth (clearing) "moment" and knowing-awareness: (inabiding the yes) nearness and remoteness -- Be-ing (ab-ground) -- Be-ing and man -- Be-ing and man -- Anthropomorphism -- History -- Technicity -- 'History' and technicity -- Be-ing and power -- Be-ing and being -- The thinking of be-ing -- The forgottenness of be-ing -- The history of be-ing -- Gods -- Errancy -- On the history of metaphysics -- The metaphysical 'why-questions': (the crossing question) -- Be-ing and 'becoming': (the completion of occidental meta-physics) (Hegel-Nietzsche) -- Being as actuality: (the "modalities") -- Be-ing and "negativity" -- Being and thinking: being and time -- A gathering into being mindful -- The be-ing-historical thinking and the question of being -- The be-ing-historical concept of metaphysics.