Cover image for Mel Bay presents Latin American songs for guitar [music score]
Mel Bay presents Latin American songs for guitar [music score]
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Pacific, Mo. : M. Bay Publications, c1996.
Physical Description:
139 p. of music ; 30 cm.
General Note:
Each folksong is presented for voice and guitar, and as guitar solo.

Staff notation and tablature.
El carretero = The cartman -- Vidalita = My little life -- Te lo contaré = I'll tell you all about it -- Calla, no llores = Hush, don't cry -- Tutú marambá -- Morena, Morena -- Mi caballo blanco = My white horse -- Ámame mucho = Love me (as) much (as I love you) -- El zancudo = The mosquito -- Van cantando por la sierra = O'er the mountain they go singing -- Ay! Tituy -- El toro pinto = The spotted bull -- Bañado el rostro = Bathed was her fair face -- La trade = The evening -- Tomá juyó = Tomas ran away -- Duérmete, mi niño = Sleep, my child -- Kurikinga -- Separación = Separation -- Vamos a la mar = Let's go to the sea -- Nací en el cumbre = I was born on the mountain -- Les émigrés = The emigrants -- Feuille-o = Leaves-o -- Flores de Mimé = Flowers of Mimé -- Papanulan -- La llorona = The weeping woman -- La malagueña -- Hojita de Guarumal = Little leaf of the Guarumal -- Mi pollera = My skirt -- La Guaireñita = The girl from Guaira -- Noches Paraguayas = Paraguayan evenings -- Llanto del Indio = Lament of the Indian -- Muchacha bonita = Pretty girl -- Problema social = Social problem -- Un jíbaro en Neuva York = A peasant in New York -- La terrible inmensidad = The terrible immensity -- Sentimientos = Feelings -- La Mónica Pérez -- Mónica Pérez -- El carite = The kingfish.