Immigrant sci-fi short stories : anthology of new & classic tales
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London, United Kingdom : Flame Tree Publishing, 2023.
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430 pages ; 24 cm.
Tales from writers with Latinx, Caribbean, Asian, African, Arabic, North American, East European origins, and more, challenge the reader with stories that spill out into space, parallel realms or just hidden in plain sight. The stories explore the world from the perspective of the incoming, whether necessitated through war or oppression, financial or familial need, or with hope for a better future, examining visions of displacement and relocation in future and speculative settings. New stories selected from open submissions are set alongside classic sci-fi by the likes of Otto (Eando) Binder and Zenna Henderson, modern stories by such authors as Celu Amberstone and Ken Liu, and older, realist immigrant narratives by Abraham Cahan, Sui Sin Far, Lee Yan Phou, Constantine Panunzio and more.
Foreword / by E.C. Osondu -- Publisher's note -- Introduction / by Betsy Huang -- From Plotzk to Boston / Mary Antin -- The man who lost his name / Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen -- Yeki (Chapter 2) / Abraham Cahan -- The citizen / James Francis Dyer -- The wisdom of the new / Sui Sin Far -- When I was a boy in China (Chapter XI and XII) / Lee Yan Phou -- The soul of an immigrant (Chapter IV) / Constantine Panunzio -- A modern Viking: Jacob Riis / ary R. Parkman -- A child of the Orient (Chapter XX) / Demetra Vaka -- The fat of the land / Anzia Yezierska -- An absolute amount of sadness / Ali Abhas -- Refugees / Celu Amberstone -- Point of entry / Bebe Bayliss -- A foot in two worlds / Christine Bennett -- The teacher from Mars / Eando Binder -- How RIgel gained a rabbi (briefly) / Benjamin Blattberg -- Keep out / Frederic Brown -- RingWorm / V. Castro -- El Bordado / P.A. Cornell -- A world away and buried deep / Yelena Crane -- The moon is not a battlefield / Indrapramit Das -- We are all of us / Deborah L. Davitt -- Native aliens / Greg van Eekhout -- Babies come from Earth / Louis Evans -- Warhorse / Illimanik Ferreira -- Of aspic and other things / Bedta Fülöp -- Danae / Elana Gomel -- The remaking of Gloria / Eileen Gonzales -- Rumblings / Roy Gray -- Eater and A / Alex Gurevich -- Deluge / Zenna Henderson -- The taste of centuries, the taste of home / Jennifer Hudak -- Oshun, Inc. / Jordan Ifueko -- A sachel of seeds / Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito -- Voices from another world / Jas Kainth -- Paper menagerie / Ken Liu -- A Rosella's home / Samara Lo -- I need to keep moving / Kwame M. A. McPherson -- Memory store / E.C. Osondu -- Sacrifice / E.C. Osondu -- Ysarin / Simon Pan -- I will be Mila tomorrow / C.R. Serajeddini -- Four-point affective calibration / Bogi Takács -- Red berry, white berry / Kanishk Tantia -- Potential / Tebnuka -- The green ship / Francesco Verso ; translated by Michael Colbert -- Home sick / M. Darusha Wehm -- Alabanda / Kevin Martens Wong -- All that water / Eris Young -- Biographies & text sources.