Motors for makers : a guide to steppers, servos, and other electrical machines
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Indianapolis, Indiana : Que, [2016]
Physical Description:
v, 307 pages : illustrations, charts ; 24 cm
"The First Maker-Friendly Guide to Electric Motors! Makers can do amazing things with motors. Yes, they're more complicated than some other circuit elements, but with this book, you can completely master them. Once you do, incredible new projects become possible. Unlike other books, Motors for Makers is 100% focused on what you can do. Not theory. Making. First, Matthew Scarpino explains how electric motors work and what you need to know about each major type: stepper, servo, induction, and linear motors. Next, he presents detailed instructions and working code for interfacing with and controlling servomotors with Arduino Mega, Raspberry Pi, and BeagleBone Black. All source code and design files are available for you to download from motorsformakers.com. From start to finish, you'll learn through practical examples, crystal-clear explanations, and photos. If you've ever dreamed of what you could do with electric motors, stop dreaming... and start making!"--Amazon.com.
General Note:
Includes index.
Introduction. Introduction to electric motors ; Preliminary concepts -- Exploring electric motors. DC motors ; Stepper motors ; Servomotors ; AC motors ; Gears and gearmotors ; Linear motors -- Electrical motors in practice. Motor control with the Arduino Mega ; Motor control with the Raspberry Pi ; Controlling motors with the BeagleBone Black ; Designing an Arduino-based electronic speed control (ESC) ; Designing a quadcopter ; Electric vehicles -- Appendix A: Electric generators -- Appendix B: Glossary.