Help yourself now : a practical guide to finding the information and assistance you need
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : Allworth Press, an imprint of Skyhorse Publishing, [2021]
Physical Description:
xvii, 408 pages ; 23 cm
"Although we live in the age of information and everyone is bombarded with potential sources of help, sifting through those possibilities can be a chore. This is where Help Yourself comes in! With this useful reference, author Jan Yager provides an overview of the various situations that most people have to navigate, from calling customer service or reporting a crime to finding credible and reliable information about a business, health, or legal concern. Each chapter includes a brief discussion of an issue, potential scenarios, and listings of relevant national and international organizations"--back cover.
Introduction : a guide to getting help -- Addiction : alcohol, drugs, nicotine, and gambling - Adoption and foster care - Aging - Animal rights and care - Arts - Business, entrepreneurship, and employment - Children and teens - Consumer affairs and safety - Counseling, depression, and mental health - Courts and dispute resolution - Crime : victims, witnesses, and prevention - Criminal justice: law enforcement, corrections, and alternatives to prison - Disabilities : developmental, intellectual, and physical - Dying, death, and dealing with grief - Education - Emergencies, disasters, and preparedness - Financial assistance - Food, hunger, nutrition, and eating disorders - Health and wellness - Housing and homelessness - Legal services - LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) - Offenders, inmates, and formerly incarcerated - Parenting, stepparenting, grandparenting, and family - Pregnancy and childbearing - Relationships, dating, singleness, divorce, marriage, friendship, and work - Suicide : prevention and related issues - Transportation, travel, and recreation - Veterans - Volunteerism - World wide web, the internet and the media.