Lorsque le dernier arbre : roman
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Paris : Albin Michel, [2021]
Physical Description:
589 pages : illustration ; 23 cm.
From a near future to the 1930s, Michael Christie built, like an architect, the genealogy of a family with a fate darkened by secrets and intimately linked to that of the forests. 2038. The epidemic waves of the Great Dieback have decimated all the trees and turned the planet into a desert of dust. One of the last refuges is a wooded island off the coast of British Columbia, which welcomes wealthy tourists who come to admire the ultimate primary forest. Jacinda works there as a guide, with no real hope for a better future. Until the day a friend tells her that she is the descendant of Harris Greenwood, a wood magnate with a sulphurous reputation. Then begins a teeming and protean story whose unsuspected ramifications echo the events, dramas and upheavals that have shaped our world. What will we have left when the last tree is cut down?
General Note:
Tranaslation of: Greenwood.
Geographic Term: