Latin for gardeners : over 3,000 plant names explained and explored
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, ©2012.
Physical Description:
224 pages : illustrations (mostly color) ; 24 cm.
How to use this book -- A short history of botanical Latin -- Botanical Latin for beginners -- An introduction to the A-Z listings. A: from a- to azureus ; B: from babylonicus to byzantinus ; C: from cacaliifolius to cytisoides ; D: from dactyliferus to dyerianum ; E: from e- to eyriesii ; F: from fabaceus to futilis ; G: from gaditanus to gymnocarpus ; H: from haastii to hystrix ; I: from ibericus to ixocarpus ; J: from jacobaeus to juvenilis ; K: from kamtschaticus to kurdicus ; L: from labiatus to lysimachioides ; M: from macedonicus to myrtifolius ; N: from nanellus to nymphoides ; O: from obconicus to oxyphyllus ; P: from pachy- to pyriformis ; Q: from quadr- to quinquevulnerus ; R: from racemiflorus to rutilans ; S: from sabatius to szechuanica ; T: from tabularis to typhinus ; U: from ulicinus to uvaria ; V: from vacciniifolius to vulgatus ; W: from wagnerii to wulfenii ; X: from xanth- to xantholeucus ; Y: from yakushimanus to yunnanensis ; Z: from zabeliana to zonatus -- Plant profiles. Acanthus ; Achillea; Alyssum ; Digitalis ; Eryngium ; Eucalyptus ; Foeniculum ; Geranium ; Helianthus ; Jasminum ; Lycopersicon ; Parthenocissus ; Passiflora ; Plumbago ; Pulmonaria ; Quercus ; Sempervivum ; Streptocarpus ; Tropaeolum ; Vaccinium -- Plant hunters. Baron Alexander von Humboldt ; Sir Joseph Banks ; Meriwether Lewis and William Clark ; Francis Masson and Carl Peter Thunberg ; John Bartram and William Bartram ; David Douglas ; Carl Linnaeus ; Jane Colden and Marianne North ; Sir Joseph Hooker ; André Michaux and François Michaux -- Plant themes. Where plants come from -- Plants: their shape and form -- The color of plants -- The qualities of plants -- Plants: their fragrance and taste -- Numbers and plants -- Plants and animals.