Essays of the 1960s & 70s
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York, N.Y. : The Library of America, [2013]
Physical Description:
viii, 875 pages ; 21 cm.
Edited by Sontag's son Davie Rieff, this volume presents the full texts of four of her essential books: Against interpretation(1966), with its groundbreaking essays on camp, science-fiction, and the art of film; Styles of radical will (1969), On photography (1977), and Illness as metaphor (1978). Also here as a special feature are six previously uncollected essays including studies of William S. Burroughs and the painter Francis Bacon and a series of reflections on beauty, aging, and the emerging feminist movement. --Adapted from publisher description.
Against interpretation and other essays (1966). Against interpretation -- On style -- The artist as exemplary sufferer -- Simone Weil -- Camus' Notebooks -- Michel Leiris' Manhood -- The anthropologist as hero -- The literary criticism of Georg Lukács -- Sartre's Saint Genet -- Nathalie Sarraute and the novel -- Ionesco -- Reflections on The deputy -- The death of tragedy -- Going to theater, etc. -- Marat/Sade/Artaud -- Spiritual style in the films of Robert Bresson -- Godard's Vivre sa vie -- The imagination of disaster -- Jack Smith's Flaming creatures -- Resnais' Muriel -- A note on novels and films -- Piety without content -- Psychoanalysis and Norman O. Brown's Life against death -- Happenings: an art of radical juxtaposition -- Notes on "Camp" -- One culture and the new sensibility -- Styles of radical will (1969). The aesthetics of silence -- The pornographic imagination -- "Thinking against oneself": reflections on Cioran -- Theatre and film -- Bergman's Persona -- Godard -- What's happening in America (1966) -- Trip to Hanoi -- On photography (1977). In Plato's Cave -- America, seen through photographs, darkly -- Melancholy objects -- The heroism of vision -- Photographic evangels -- The image-world -- A brief anthology of quotations -- Illness as metaphor (1978) -- Uncollected essays. William Burroughs and the novel -- The double standard of aging -- The third world of women -- Francis Bacon: "About being in pain" -- A woman's beauty: put-down or power source? -- Beauty: how will it change next?