Conceiving with love : a whole-body approach to creating intimacy, reigniting passion, and increasing fertility
First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Boulder : Shambhala, 2019.
Physical Description:
xv, 308 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
"The stress of trying to conceive can wreak havoc with a couple's intimate relationship; the stress, shame, and blame they often feel can have a harmful effect and reduce their chances of conceiving. In The Conception of Love, Traditional Chinese Medicine specialist Denise Wiesner gives couples the tools they need to repair their sexual relationship, rebuild their self-confidence, and reclaim the intimacy that sparked their desire to have a child in the first place. Wiesner's integrative East-meets-West approach, developed over twenty years of practice, has helped thousands of couples reconnect--and conceive. Wiesner includes advice from leading experts in Western reproductive medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine; sensual practices from yoga, qigong, and Tantra; and answers questions couples have about sex, intimacy, and fertility--naturally occurring or medically assisted"-- Provided by publisher.
What's up down there? -- Wet and hard: the chemistry and physiology of arousal -- The rise and fall of passion -- Pleasure traditions from the east -- The art of self-pleasuring -- Timing is everything -- Fine-tuning the engine -- The five-element lover's wheel -- Fire and flame: opening up the heart -- Setting the stage -- Healing trauma, letting go of shame -- Reducing stress -- Deepening intimacy -- Foreplay: the sweet seduction -- The big "O" -- When you need a hand.