The Masnavi. Book three
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Publication Information:
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.
Physical Description:
xxvii, 317 pages ; 20 cm.
"Each moment your soul struggles hard with death - Think of your faith as though it's your last breath. Your life is like a purse, and night and day Are counters of gold coins you've put away" Rumi is the greatest mystic poet to have written in Persian, and the Masnavi is his masterpiece. Divided into six books and consisting of some 26,000 verses, the poem was designed to convey a message of divine love and unity to the disciples of Rumi's Sufi order, known today as the Whirling Dervishes. Like the earlier books, Book Three interweaves amusing stories with homilies to instruct pupils in understanding of God's meaning. It has a special focus on epistemology, illustrated with narratives that involve the consumption of food. This is the first ever verse translation of Book Three of the Masnavi. It follows the original by presenting Rumi's most mature mystical teachings in simple and attractive rhyming couplets.
General Note:
Translated from the Persian.
Book Three The Masnavi -- Prose Introduction -- Exordium -- Don't eat baby elephants! -- A lover's mistake is better than the stranger's correct act -- Prayer and the pure mouth -- The answer to prayers -- The townsman and the villager -- The People of Sheba and the Prophets -- Jesus' healing of the sick -- The falcon and the ducks -- The Zarwan nation -- Majnun and Layli's dog -- The jackal who pretended to be a peacock -- The man who greased his moustache to show off -- Bal'am ben Ba'ur -- Exegesis of `You will know them through the corruption of their speech' -- Harut and Marut -- Pharaoh's attempts to prevent Moses' birth -- The frozen snake that came back to life -- Moses and Pharaoh's magicians -- The elephant in the dark -- Infidelity and God's decree -- The barber and the man with grizzled hair -- The companions of the Prophet and the Qur'an -- The error of reading a love letter when you are next to the beloved -- The man who prayed for a livelihood without having to work -- The teacher who was tricked by his pupils into believing he was sick -- Shaikh Amputee -- The far-sighted goldsmith -- Pharaoh's threats to his magicians -- The mule's complaint to the camel -- Ozayr's ass -- The shaikh who did not grieve the death of his sons -- The man who regained sight whenever reading the Quran -- The patience of Loqman -- Friends of God who choose not to pray -- Bohlul and the dervish -- The visions of Daquqi -- Moses and Khezr -- Jesus' escape from the fool -- The People of Sheba and the Prophets -- The tale about the blind, far -- sighted man, the deaf, sharp -- eared man, and the naked man wearing a long skirt -- The hares and the elephant -- Noah and the building of his ark -- The burglar who said he was just beating a drum -- A parable about prudence -- The vow of the dogs every winter -- The wisdom in the creation of hell -- Kings and the small gate in the city wall of Jerusalem -- The Sufi who was made ecstatic by an empty mealcloth -- Jacob and Joseph's shirt -- The prince and the slave who stayed in the mosque to pray -- When Prophets lose hope -- Ordinary people have faith based on fear and hope -- Hidden friends of God -- Anas and the Prophet Mohammad's napkin -- The Prophet saves a caravan in the desert -- Need draws God's bounty -- The baby that bore witness to the Prophet Mohammad -- The eagle that lifted away the Prophet's boot -- The man who asked Moses to teach him the languages of animals -- The woman whose children all died in infancy -- Hamza's refusal to wear body armour -- The advantages of deliberation -- Belal's embrace of death -- The world and the body -- Reason and revelation -- The reverence disciples should have for their masters -- The enemy of the sun -- Levels of knowledge -- The relativity of knowledge -- Self-annihilation and subsistence in God -- The love of the vakil of Bukhara for his ruler, the sadr -- The appearance of the Holy Spirit to Mary -- The haunted mosque -- The worldliness of Galen -- How Satan tricked the Qoraysh -- A drum of inappropriate size -- Chick peas boiling in a pot compared with true believers -- The Masnavi and its critics -- The outer and inner meanings of the Quran -- Why friends of God retreat to the mountains -- The mountains joined David in repeating the Psalms -- The foal that would not drink near commotion -- The cry of the Devil to dissuade you from the path -- The attraction of elements to, their source -- The soul's attraction to the spiritual world -- The Prophet Mohammad and his foes -- The flea complains aboutthe wind to Solomon -- The union of the lover who was not true.
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