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Cover image for Inhabiting memory in Canadian literature = Habiter la mémoire dans la littérature canadienne
Inhabiting memory in Canadian literature = Habiter la mémoire dans la littérature canadienne
First edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada : The University of Alberta Press, 2017.

Physical Description:
xxxiii, 264 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
"Featuring seven English-language essays, five French-language essays, and a bilingual introduction, this collection examines the cultural work of space and memory in Canada and Canadian literature, and encourages readers to investigate Canada within its regional, national, and global contexts. It also invites us to recognize local intersections so easily overlooked, yet so important. The diverse critical approaches of this collection reveal and probe the unities and fractures in national understanding, telling stories of otherness and marginality, of dis-location and un-belonging. This collection will be welcomed by readers and critics of Canadian literature."-- Provided by publisher.
1. Mapping the city = Cartographier la ville. Espaces de contestation : meḿoires confictuelles sur le terrain de la ville / Sherry Simon -- Archive and the alleyway : the spatial poetics of Sachiko Murakami and Meredith Quartermain / Erin Wunker -- Urban space and the making of a reader / Margaret Mackey -- 2. Diasporic memories = Meḿories diasporiques. Unforgetting and remembering on demand : diasporic memory in Wawi Hage's Cockroach / Smaro Kamboureli -- Moved by the past : Canadian family memoir and the story of genealogy / Jennifer Bowering Delisle -- Diaspora, loss, and melancholic agency : mapping the fields between Susanna Moodie and Dionne Brand / L. Camille van der Marel -- 3. Intercultural spaces = Espaces interculturels. Dans un gant de fer : de la meḿoire priveé au dialogue critique / Samantha Cook -- Langue et identite ́± ot̂res ? : questions d'autoref́lexivite ́chez Jean Chicoine / Lise Gaboury-Diallo -- Une ± autotraduction ? sauvage : le Canada franca̧is dans ± Le loup-garou ? et ± The werwolves ? d'Honore ́Beaugrand / Pamela V. Sing. 4. Towards a new memory = Vers une meḿoire nouvelle. Originaux et det́raqueś : la ville het́eŕodoxe et meḿorielle de Louis Frećhette / Andre ́Lamontagne -- "A doubt about our ability to know invades the narrative" : space and knowing in the writings of Robert Kroetsch and Rudy Wiebe / Janne Korkka -- Fleeing the North Star : Lorena Gale's Angeĺique, slavery, and Canadian cultural memory / Albert Braz.
Additional Language:
Text in English or French.
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