Getting even : forgiveness and its limits
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
Physical Description:
ix, 138 pages ; 22 cm
We have all been victims of wrongdoing. Forgiving that wrongdoing is one of the staples of current pop psychology dogma; it is seen as a universal prescription for moral and mental health in the self-help and recovery section of bookstores. At the same time, personal vindictiveness as a rule is seen as irrational and immoral. In many ways, our thinking on these issues is deeply inconsistent; we value forgiveness yet at the same time now use victim-impact statements to argue for harsher penalties for criminals. Do we have a right to hate others for what they have done to us? The distinguished philosopher and law professor Jeffrie Murphy is a skeptic when it comes to our views on both emotions. In this short and accessible book, he proposes that vindictive emotions (anger, resentment, and the desire for revenge) actually deserve a more legitimate place in our emotional, social, and legal lives than we currently recognize, while forgiveness deserves to be more selectively granted.; Murphy grounds his views on careful analysis of the nature of forgiveness, a subtle understanding of the psychology of anger and resentment, and a fine appreciation of the ethical issues of self-respect and self-defense. He also uses accessible examples from law, literature, and religion to make his points. Providing a nuanced approach to a proper understanding of the place of our strongest emotions in moral, political, and personal life, and using lucid, easily understood prose, this volume is a classic example of philosophical thinking applied to a thorny, everyday problem.
Introduction: responding to evil -- What is forgiveness? -- Two cheers for vindictiveness -- Vindictiveness and the law -- Forgiveness as a virtue -- Repentence, punishment, and mercy -- Self-forgiveness -- Forgiveness in psychotherapy -- Forgiveness and Christianity -- Christianity and criminal punishment -- Concluding remarks.
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