Retracing the iron curtain : a 3,000-mile journey through the end and afterlife of the Cold War
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
New York : The Experiment, 2023.
Physical Description:
444 pages : illustrations, photographs, maps ; 24 cm
Initially a victory line where Allies met at the end of World War Two, the Iron Curtain became the front of a new kind of war: it divided Europe from north to south for forty-five years. New generations have grown up since these borders came down, bu what has the Iron Curtain left in its wake? Phillips travels its full 3,000 mile route to craft a new people's history of a defining 20th-century conflict. Some look back at the era with nostalgia, while others are unable to forgive the decades of hardship their families and nations endured. These narratives paint a vivid portrait of the new Europe that emerged from the ruins. -- adapted from jacket
General Note:
"Originally published in Great Britain by Granta Books under the title, The curtain and the wall: a modern journey along Europe's Cold War border, copyright ©2022 by Timothy Phillips."
Preface : Mullafarry, Republic of Ireland -- Oslo, Norway -- Kirkenes and Grense Jakobselv, Norway -- Porkkala, Finland -- Vyborg, Russia -- Riga, Latvia -- Liepaja, Latvia -- Gotland, Sweden -- Bornholm, Denmark -- Rügen and Priwall, Germany -- Schlagsdorf and Helmstedt, Germany -- Berlin, Germany -- Potsdam, Germany -- Selb, Germany, and Aš, Czechia -- Bratislava, Slovakia -- Vienna, Austria -- Sopron, Hungary -- Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and Gorizia, Italy (I) -- Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and Gorizia, Italy (II) -- Trieste, Italy -- Tirana and Sarandë, Albania -- Corfu, Greece -- Gevgelija, North Macedonia -- Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan -- Epilogue: Sadarak, Azerbaijan, and Ani, Turkey.
Personal Subject: