Collected poems
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Boston, Massachusetts : Beacon Press, [2021]
Physical Description:
403 pages ; 24 cm
"A representative collection of the life work of the much-honored poet and a founder of the Black Arts movement, spanning four decades of her literary career"-- Provided by publisher.
1. from Home Coming: homecoming -- poem at thirty -- nigger -- black magic -- summary -- malcolm -- small comment -- the final solution -- to CHucK -- poem for dcs 8th graders--1966-67 -- definition for blk/children -- Memorial [1. The supremes--cuz they dead . . . ] -- Memorial [2. bobby hutton . . . ] -- personal letter no. 2 -- 2. from We a BaddDDD People: SURVIVAL POEMS. a poem for my father -- blk / rhetoric -- personal letter no. 3 -- television / poem -- right on: wite america 1 -- right on: wite america 2 -- right on: wite america 3 -- right on: wite america 4 -- in the courtroom -- summer words of a sistuh addict -- on watching a world series game -- LOVE/SONG/CHANTS. 10:15 am -- April 27, 1969 poem -- last poem i'm gonna write bout us -- for our lady -- TCB/EN POEMS. "To Fanon, culture meant only one thing . . ." -- why i don't get high on shit -- sunday / evening at gwen's -- a poem for nina simone to put some music to and blow our nigguh / minds -- a ballad for stirling street (to be sung) For Amina and Amira Baraka -- now poem. for us. -- 3. from Love Poems: Why -- Poem No. 1 -- July -- Father and Daughter -- Haiku from a husband -- Poem No. 3 -- Poem No. 4 -- Magic -- Words -- Haiku [we grow up my love . . . ] -- After the fifth day -- Haiku [Was it yesterday . . . ] -- Haiku [O i am so sad, i . . . ] -- Prelude to Nothing -- Blues -- Kaleidoscope -- Haiku [o i was wide and . . . ] -- Ballad (after the spanish) -- Poem No. 7 -- Sequences -- Old Words -- Haiku [if i had known, if . . . ] -- To You/Who Almost Turned/Me On -- Formula -- Haiku [there are things sadder . . . ] -- Poem No. 8 -- Poem No. 10 -- Welcome home. my prince -- Haiku [your love was a port . . . ] -- Haiku [i could love you Black . . . ] -- I Have Walked a Long Time -- Hey There -- A Blk/Woman/Speaks -- Poem No. 12 -- Haiku (written from Peking) -- Depression -- Listening to Jimmy Garrison -- Haiku [in your wet season . . . ] -- Haiku [O this day like an . . . ] -- Poem No. 15 -- 4. from A Blues Book for Blue Black Magical Women -- PAST. [COME into Black geography . . . ] -- 1. woman -- 2. earth mother -- 3. young/black/girl -- 4. young womanhood -- 5. womanhood -- PRESENT. 1 [THIS woman vomiting her . . . ] -- REBIRTH. -- [WHEN i stepped off the plane i knew i was home . . . ] -- 5. from It's a New Day poems for young brothas and sistahs -- For Morani/Mungu/Meusi -- Words for Kali and Poochie -- Words for Geoffrey and Stephanie Hamilton -- City Songs -- to P. J. (2 yrs old who sed write a poem for me in Portland, Oregon) -- When we come -- We Can Be -- 6. from I've Been a Woman -- (Haikus / Tankas & Other Love Syllables) -- 7. from Under a Soprano Sky -- BEGINNINGS. Under a Soprano Sky (section 1) -- A poem for my brother -- elegy for MOVE and Philadelphia -- Poem -- Morning raga: 6/28/84 -- Philadelphia: Spring, 1985 -- At the Gallery of La Casa de Las Americas, Habana. Dec. 1984 -- haiku for morani and mungu -- 3 x 3 shigeko: a hiroshima maiden speaks: -- 3 x 3 Carl: a Black man Speaks -- 3 x 3 -- the poet: speaks after silence: insomnia -- "There is no news from Auschwitz"question for mrs. rinaldi -- words for mr. and mrs. rinaldi -- the inmate -- Last recording session/for papa Joe -- tanka for papa Joe Jones who used to toss me up to the skyhaiku (walking in the rain in Guyana) -- on listening to Malcolm's Ballot or The BulletSong -- No. 3 for 2nd & 3rd grade sisters -- Dear Mama, -- Fallshort poem: at midnight -- short poem 3 -- haiku for mungu and morani and the children of soweto -- haiku for john brown -- A poem for my most Intelligent 10:30 am Class/ Fall, 1985 -- Haiku for Paul Robeson -- Africa Poem No. 4 -- style no. 1 -- Graduation Notes -- 8. from Generations -- From a Black Feminist Conference -- Reflections on Margaret Walker: Poet -- Reflections After the June 12th March for Disarmament -- A Poem of Praise for Gerald Penny . . .Father and Daughter -- 9. from Homegirls and Handgrenades -- StoryPoem Written After Reading Wright's "American Hunger" -- A Song -- Haiku [i see you blackboy . . . ] -- Masks -- A Poem for Paul -- Bubba -- A Letter to Dr. Martin Luther King -- MIAS -- On Seeing a Pacifist Burn -- Letter to Ezekiel Mphahlele --
10. from Wounded in the House of a Friend -- PART I. Wounded in the House of a Friend: Set No. 1 -- PART II. Catch the Fire -- A Love Song for Spelman -- Poem [What I have seen in the twentieth century . . . ] -- PART III. Love Song No. 3. Introduction of Toni Morrison . . . -- Poem for July 4, 1994 For President Václav Havel -- This Is Not a Small Voice -- PART IV. Poem for Some Women -- haiku 1 [i have died and dreamed . . . ] -- blues haiku 1 [all this talk bout love . . . ] -- tanka [i have taken five . . . ] -- haiku 2 [everywhere i turn . . . ] -- haiku 4 [your breath in exile . . . ] -- haiku 6 [if i had known then . . . ] -- sonku [have mercy on the . . . ] -- South African tanka [the necklace i bring . . . ] -- haiku 8 [i am hunched down in . . . ] -- blues haiku 2 [ain't no curves in his . . . ] -- haiku 9 [the sprawling sound . . . ] -- 11. from Does Your House Have Lions? -- sister's voice -- brother's voice -- 12. from Like the Singing Coming off the Drums -- Dancing -- Haiku [you ask me to run . . . ] -- Song -- Tanka [i don't know the rules . . . ] -- Haiku [i come from the same . . . ] -- Haiku [i have caught fire from . . . ] -- Haiku [love between us is . . . ] -- Haiku [i turn westward in . . . ] -- Sonku [i collect . . . ] -- Sonku [i who have . . . ] -- Blues haiku [you too slippery . . . ] -- Haiku [come windless invader . . . ] -- Haiku [i am moving in . . . ] -- Haiku on passing Toni Cade Bambara's house -- Blues haiku [what i need is traveling . . . ] -- Haiku [old man standing long . . . ] -- Haiku [it is i who have . . . ] -- Tanka [this man has sucked too . . . ] -- Haiku [i am watersnake . . . ] -- Haiku [i am the ugly . . . ] -- Haiku [have you ever crossed . . . ] -- Haiku [mixed with day and sun . . . ] -- Blues [even though you came in december be my january man . . . ] -- Haiku [how fast is the wind . . . ] -- Blues Haiku [let me be yo wil . . . ] -- Blues Haiku [am i yo philly . . . ] -- Haiku [my womb is a dance . . . ] -- Haiku [sweet woman dancing . . . ] -- Poem [i am dreaming . . . ] -- Sonku [love comes with . . . ] -- Haiku [c'mon man hold me . . . ] -- Tanka [c'mon man ride me . . . ] -- Sonku [i feel your . . . ] -- Sonku [i hear the . . . ] -- Haiku [i am who i am . . . ] -- Haiku question from a young sisterPoem [Good morning, sex . . . ] -- Blues haiku [yall talkin all under . . . ] -- Blues haiku [i wuz in Kansas . . . ] -- Haiku [i am looking for . . . ] -- Haiku [these waves boisterous like . . . ] -- Haiku for Louis Massiah -- Sonku [what is love . . . ] -- Blues haiku [my face is a scarred . . . ] -- Haiku [derelict with eyes . . . ] -- Haiku [they smell like rust . . . ] -- Haiku [a tint on the tongue . . . ] -- Haiku [my teeth can write your . . . ] -- Haiku [i have carved your face . . . ] -- Sonku [my eyes look . . . ] -- Haiku [i am a small piece . . . ] -- Haiku [to be lifted in . . . ] -- Tanka [woman without heat . . . ] -- Haiku [it was nothing big . . . ] -- Sonku [what i want . . . ] -- Haiku [i hear your breath . . . ] -- Haiku for Joe Barry -- Haiku [red orange breasts sweet . . . ] -- Haiku [and i am flesh burnt . . . ] -- Haiku [this poem is for me . . . ] -- Short Poem [quite often without . . . ] -- Haiku 2 [my bones migrate in . . . ] -- Haiku [do you want ashes . . . ] -- Haiku [if i were an old . . . ] -- Haiku [you are rock garden . . . ] -- Tanka [to surround yourself with . . . ] -- Sonku [to worship . . . ] -- Haiku [my bones hang to . . . ] -- Haiku [in this wet season . . . ] -- A Poem for Ella Fitzgerald -- Love Poem for Tupac -- For Tupac Amaru Shakur -- from Remembering and Honoring Toni Cade Bambara -- For Sister Gwen Brooks -- 13. from Shake Loose My Skin -- Morning Song and Evening Walk -- For Sweet Honey in the Rock -- Aaaayeee Babo (Praise God) -- Fragment 1 -- Fragment 2 -- Haiku [man. you write me so . . . ] -- Towhomitmayconcern -- Song No. 2 -- An Anthem for the ANC and Brandywine Peace Community -- 14. from Morning Haikuhaikuography -- 10 haiku for Max Roach -- dance haiku -- 14 haiku for Emmett Louis Till -- from 21 haiku for Odetta -- 4 haiku for Max Roach -- sister haiku for Pat -- 15 haiku for Toni Morrison -- 6 haiku for Elizabeth Catlett in Cuernavaca -- 2 haiku for Ras Baraka -- 5 haiku for Sarah Vaughan -- 9 haiku for Freedom's Sisters -- 5 love haiku -- 6 haiku for Maya Angelou -- memory haiku -- haiku poem: 1 year after 9/11 -- 15. Envoi: For Harriet Tubman -- Haiku and Tanka for Harriet Tubman.
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