The kid-friendly ADHD & autism cookbook : the ultimate guide to the most effective diets
Added Author:
3rd edition.
Publication Date:
Publication Information:
Beverly, MA : Fair Winds, [2020]
Physical Description:
352 pages ; 24 cm.
Learn to cook delicious, healthy food that will help your child's behaviour, focus, and development with The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook, complete with an up-to-date review of common speciality diets for ADHD and autism treatment. The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook provides a current review of the commonly used diets for the treatment of ADHD and autism, and recipes appropriate to specific diets. It also provides suggestions for feeding picky eaters, including those with texture issues. The authors share details about just how and why each diet works, examine specialty ingredients in-depth, and provide extensive resources and references. The speciality diets covered include: Gluten-free, casein-free, soy-free; Feingold diet: low phenol, low salicylate diet; Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet; Anti-yeast/candida diets, or Body Ecology Diet; Low Oxalate Diet (LOD); FODMAP (Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides, And Polyols); Anti-inflammatory diet; Modified Atkins and paleo diet; Rotation diet. Despite the restrictions of these diets, this cookbook offers an array of tasty choices that kids will love, including shakes, muffins, rice and beans, salad, stews, and even sweets and treats. This comprehensive guide and cookbook is chock-full of helpful info and research, and includes more than 100 kid-friendly recipes, organized by their suitability to each speciality diet.
General Note:
"What they are -- Why they work -- How to do them."
Introduction -- Get ready! Get set! Food reactions: what they are and how to test for them ; Contemplating the right elimination diet and support strategies ; Beginning your journey: what to leave behind and what to take with you ; The main culprits: glutens, casein, soy, and others ; Feingold and FAILSAFE diets: low salicylate and low phenol diets ; The specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) and Gut and psychology syndrome diet (GAPS) ; The anti-yeast (anti-candida) diet ; The low oxalate diet (LOD) ; Other helpful diets: anti-inflammatory diet, FODMAP diet, and rotation diet ; Getting started and bumps along the way ; Dealing with the diet and common concerns -- Go! Menus and recipes. From yucky to yummy: finding the right kid-friendly foods ; A complete guide to making breakfast and packing lunches ; Beverages and healthy shakes ; Condiments, dressings, and sauces ; Breads, muffins, waffles, and pancakes ; Main dishes and one-dish meals ; Rice and beans ; Vegetables and side dishes ; Salads ; Soups and stews ; Fruits, sweets, and treats.